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We’re transforming regional transportation


Connecting communities through sustainable transport

The Southeast Regional Service Commission is committed to increasing accessibility, affordability, and availability of transportation. Our focus of work is designing and implementing the best possible regional transportation services for Southeast New Brunswick.

train tracks

We’re moving residents, visitors, and goods through a connected set of regional transportation providers. These transport systems work individually and collectively as a coordinated transportation network.

The Southeast Regional Service Commission fosters improvement, collects data, creates reports, and analyzes information to move our region forward wherever we can. We aim to keep transportation sustainable and cost-effective for all.

Looking for transit service in Southeastern NB?

Visit our partners:

Codiac Transpo 

Dieppe Transportation

Urban/Rural Rides

Via Rail

Greater Moncton International Airport 

Maritime Bus

Ability Transit, offering service to individuals in Moncton that have mobility challenges. 

  • Contact Information: 506-853-3055